Wednesday, April 15, 2009

This should be interesting...

My husband and I have decided that we may be buying a different house. It will be a scary thing. We were finally getting this house right where we wanted it...and now...ack. I don't want to think about it.

This house is a great little home but after having our daughter we have realized that it's just not what we need...size wise and location wise.

I'm sad, I thought we were here for the long run...but the house we are looking at is also a hand-me down home (it's my mother's) and it's perfect for us.

Fingers crossed. Although we wouldn't be moving till Fall? Winter? Who knows...

Until then, I will continue with the updates and will show you the re-models etc from our current home. =]

Ta-ta for now. xo.

Friday, March 6, 2009

My dream bathroom...

Well, I found it.

My dream bathroom...and let me tell you, it fan-freaking-tastic.

We've been talking about doing the addition for quite awhile, it would include a master bathroom and a master bedroom. =]

And this is what I want to do with the bathroom...

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Re-vamp the guest room...

My DH decided to let me re-do the small, over cluttered, NMS (not my style) guest room. I am eternally grateful, because honestly, it didn't turn out how I envisioned and I'm disappointed.

I would post a picture of what it looks like but ack, it's a mess right now.

However, I will post a few pictures of what I hope it will semi become:

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Yes, I'm aware the second is of a bathroom...and not a bedroom. But I'm trying to show you the paint here people. The second photo is from Pottery Barn, the first I believe is from Domino...but don't hold me too that.

I love this color. It's so deep and just beautiful. I'm thinking white & tan bedding to accompany it.

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This photo is from a lovely blog called pure style home. She has amazing taste. This bookcase/storage unit is from Target. I saw these this weekend and realized that two of these side by side would be a wonderful replacement for the broken bookcase that is currently taking up residence in the guest room.

DH thinks I'm crazy for this next thought...but I'm all about saving money, so here goes: We have a wooden, honey colored, desk in the guest room. My plan is to sand it down and paint it white. I also need to find an old side table to do the same with. Lastly, if it will fit, we have an antique hope chest that would look beautiful in the room. I'm hoping that with a DIY cushion and some pillows it will make a brillant little reading nook. I'm hoping that it's possible...but I often over-estimate the size allowance. =/

A First...

This is my first posting for this blog...I have another, that followed my pregnancy & now follows my life as a new mom.

However, I find myself often wanting to post about my (our) home, our ideas and all other things "At Home". So, here I am. In just a few months I went from being a newlymarried, childless, non-blogger to a newlymarried, mom with two blogs. Funny how life happens along the way.
